Do You Have ADHD?

Are you wondering if you might have ADHD? Find out about ADHD symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment types.

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurological disorder affecting many children and adults worldwide. In fact, it is among the most common mental ailments present in children. It is estimated that approximately 8.4 percent of all children have ADHD. Some of those children continue to exhibit symptoms into adulthood.

If you are an adult and have not been diagnosed but think you have ADHD, it is possible. The majority of people with ADHD first show signs and are diagnosed when they are children. Often, ADHD symptoms make it difficult for children to focus in school and are quickly noticed by faculty members. However, it is possible for you to have ADHD and get an improper early diagnosis or not get diagnosed at all until you are an adult. There are symptoms and tests you can use to determine if you have ADHD. They are outlined below, along with treatment options.

What Causes ADHD?

There are many theories about the causes of ADHD. According to scientists, there is not a single cause of ADHD. Rather, there are a number of contributing factors. Many genetic mutations are associated with the development of ADHD. Studies also show that 75 percent of children who have ADHD also have relatives who have ADHD. Certain environmental toxins may cause ADHD as well. Additionally, it is thought that health issues impacting pregnant mothers can cause their children to develop ADHD, such as:

  • Physical Trauma During Pregnancy

  • Smoking

  • Drug Use

  • Drinking Alcohol

  • Experiencing High Stress Levels While Pregnant 

Prominent ADHD Symptoms in Children

There are many symptoms a child with ADHD can develop. They fall into the categories of inability to pay attention and impulsive behavior. It is possible for a child to exhibit symptoms relating to both categories or only one. If a child is having difficulty paying attention, he or she may have difficulty listening or processing information, which can negatively impact school performance. The child may also be easily distracted or misplace objects easily.

Impulsive behavior can include hyperactivity. A child with impulsive or hyperactive behavior often has difficulty sitting still, such as on a long car ride or during a school class. Talking incessantly and having difficulty sleeping are also symptoms of  a hyperactive child with ADHD. Additionally, the child might exhibit symptoms like: 

  • Frequent Defensiveness or Overreaction to Situations

  • Generally Speaking or Acting with No Consideration of Consequences

  • Trouble Controlling Anger

  • Frequent Movements Even While Seated, Such as Toe Tapping or Leg Wiggling

  • Difficulty Waiting During Activities or When Others Are Speaking

Not all active children, poor students, or inattentive children have ADHD. Children are often energetic and tend to focus only on things they care about. However, any child exhibiting multiple issues listed above and having trouble focusing at home, as well as at school is a good candidate for an ADHD assessment.

Prominent ADHD Symptoms in Adults

In cases where ADHD symptoms follow children into adulthood, the symptoms can change slightly over time and based on circumstances. For example, a child with ADHD may have difficulty doing homework, while an adult may have difficulty getting focused enough to complete a work-related task. Other potential adult ADHD symptoms include: 

  • Chronic Lateness

  • Difficulty Relaxing

  • Difficulty Listening to Spouses or Other Loved Ones

  • Inability to Meet Deadlines or Manage Multiple Tasks at Once

  • Anger Management Problems

How Online ADHD Testing Works

There are several ADHD testing options available. One option is online testing. Taking an online ADHD assessment is easy and often only takes a few minutes. However, it is important to take the right test. First, look for a test provided by an expert source, such as this one offered by the Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA). Second, make sure the test is designed for the right age group. Certain online ADHD assessments are meant for adults. Others are designed for children. A typical online ADHD test consists of several questions relating to ability to focus on various tasks. The test score indicates the likelihood you or your child has ADHD.

Professional ADHD Testing is the Only Definitive Testing Option

Despite the prevalence of online ADHD assessments and the fact that most of them are free, they are not always reliable. They can give you a sense of how likely it is you may have ADHD. However, only an assessment by a trained medical health professional can provide a definite diagnosis. Professional diagnosis is essential because other medical conditions and life circumstances can cause symptoms similar to those associated with ADHD. For example, depression can cause difficulty concentrating but is not necessarily an indication of ADHD. Learning disabilities also sometimes produce similar symptoms.

If you visit a medical professional for an ADHD evaluation, he or she must assess your entire history. A typical assessment for adult ADHD includes questions relating to childhood and adolescence, as well as present circumstances. A medical professional may also ask for input from your friends and family members during the assessment process. That feedback is important to ensure total accuracy and complete history is relayed. You must also submit to physical evaluation to rule out any other illnesses.

Getting Treatment for ADHD

Therapy, including cognitive behavioral therapy is often used to treat ADHD. Your doctor may also prescribe medications to help you manage your condition. You can also adjust your lifestyle in multiple ways to treat or control your ADHD. Positive changes you can make include: 

  • Establishing a Regular Routine

  • Exercising

  • Meditating

  • Eating Healthier Foods

  • Getting Plenty of Sleep

  • Avoiding Mood Altering Substances like Cigarettes and Alcohol 

Coping with ADHD Over Time

Like most other medical conditions, ADHD has multiple symptoms, and not all of them occur consistently. To cope with ADHD over time and keep symptoms as controlled as possible, continue to work closely with your healthcare professionals. You may need to make occasional adjustments to medications or routines as your ADHD symptoms or your personal circumstances change. For example, in times of great stress you may need additional medication or therapy sessions. Provided you keep your healthcare professionals informed, they can help you minimize the disruptions your ADHD might otherwise cause in your life.